Thursday, 28 August 2014

Concert - TWIN TWIN

Those who know me, know that I love Eurovision and when my favourite entry from this year, TWIN TWIN, annouced a free gig in London, I had to take it!

Now, Monday is my day off normally at work and the gig was on a Monday, I just needed to travel back up to Manchester, stay the night and then head off to work on the first train home. Easy, right? Not at all, I was /dead/ at work that day, but it was worth it! The gig started at 9.30 and I could only stay while 10.30 due to my train being at 11 D: But I got a few of my favourite songs and I got to hear "Moustache". I also got to hang out with my new friend who I met at Girugamesh a few months ago \o.o/

We were all geared up in our Moustache tshirts and I met her boyfriend who was as geeky as I am /o/ we spent time in the bar that was hosting the event talking about anime and games!

But here are a few pictures!!


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